Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Getting Started As a Travel Writer

What is needed to effectively begin the road to journey into freelance writing? What skills, experience, equipment, education, and temperament are best suited for a successful journey as a writer?

Requirements to start your career in freelance travel writing quite basic.

Most of us have heard the slogan from the popular athletic shoe maker - "Just Do It". That applies here. You just have to start writing. If you are not interested in writing, if you can not discipline yourself to write regularly, then you should not try to be a travel writer. Yes, that's the hard truth of travel writing - you have to write. But you do not need to write a novel, you only need to record, observe, and write regularly.

You need to have an opinion, a voice. When you regularly write about your trip, or just your daily experiences, your voice will begin to develop in the words you put down on paper. By maintaining and developing the voice, the articles you submit will stand out and become more attractive. Editors will be more likely to notice and publish your work. Tell the reader what you really think! (Well, within reason)

Working hand in hand with the emergence of your written voice are your observation power. When you walk down the street near your house, try to look like your visitors and never seen it before. What do you consider the things that have escaped your attention in the past? Learn to train your power of observation every chance you get. Seeing people, seeing subtle changes in daylight as autumn turns to summer, take nothing for granted.

You have now entered into the habit of writing regularly, you are developing a unique writing style and voice, and expressing that voice with your thoughts and observations about the world around you. You've got a good start to becoming a successful freelance travel writer. There are some things you need to complete the picture of a candidate travel writer.

You should be able to do research. Today, most of the pre-trip research can be done online in the comfort of your own home. But you should not need a computer, you can always go to your local library to do your research. But research is a must. For example, if you plan to go to Costa Rica, you'll want to know the basics like climate and weather, population and culture, major attractions, industry, government, and the additional information that may be associated with what you plan to write about. You want to get a feel for the country or region and the people before you leave home. Once you arrive at your destination, you'll want to find unique and interesting aspects of the region and its inhabitants. Try to find things that the average tourist would find interesting and unique - dig a little deeper. Find and talk to the locals, read local newspapers, arrange to interview people who can help bring articles to life - business people, historians, tour operators - Or perhaps just people on the street to get the local color. That more research like this you can collect more behavioral and unique your articles.

The last thing is the willingness and desire to learn. Reading books and taking a course of travel writing. Many good books are available on the subject. There are college-level courses available as well as several trips home study courses are very well written.

You'll want to get your hands on travel writing as much as you can. Subscribe to one or two travel magazines, read the travel section in the local newspaper, buy travel books. Find out what editors look for in a travel article. See if you can see the basic structure of a well written travel article. In particular, note that the lead article, how do you attract? How good is the country with the theme? After a few sentences, if you are motivated to read more? After the lead and set the theme, how well does the article prove that theme and paint a picture. Do you have a sense of place as you read the article body? Once again, is the author of your images through an article in exciting and interesting? If so, how does he do it? If not, what is lacking? Finally, how well does the author bring this article to a close? Does he effectively reflect on the lead and restate the theme? Did she leave you with an urgent feeling inside of you to visit a destination or try an activity or find out more?
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Getting Free Travel

There's a reason why it is very important Travel Industry is looking for reliable Travel Coordinators. One of the main reasons is the 'International Travel Safety' has become a major concern.

Travel Industry has long provided a way to help Americans travel more secure. Again, this is an ancient old method of travel. Even the wagon train walk to the west were not exempt from this method.

Group Travel

Travel Agency looking for addicts, I mean all the time Coordinator. I guess you're wondering why a Travel Agency Travel Coordinator will be looking for? Most people would say that the work will be a Travel Agent. Wrong! Most Travel Agents do not travel that often. They are busy booking travel for their clients. They lose money every time they leave the office or computer. Its Travel Coordinator for frequent travelers.

Travel addicts are people who arrange their lives to accommodate last minute travel. Travel addicts usually will pay the rent or mortgage, but 401k or any savings or investments imposed to finance the trip at a certain time.

A Group Travel Coordinator will have the following attributes: commitment, love to travel, like people, have confidence in marketing themselves and their travel destination, to give attention to detail, love to coordinate, and to use common sense, then you qualify Travel for FREE.

This opportunity works best when you start out as a hobby and turned it into a part-time job and full time business. No need to recreate the wheel - do what others have done before you. I know one retired person who started selling exotic travel party in the Caribbean every year. Word of mouth took over, because people really enjoy themselves, and now he does not have to work 9-5 jobs. Commission from ordering 300-500 people per year into a 5 star resort on the island each year, paid off BIG.

I suppose you are wondering how a Travel Coordinator just starting the journey FREE? Easy, when you order 6 or 15 people or what ever the sum of all sellers Travel sets, one person goes FREE.

Example: Say you have 9 people who want to go to China. You have a mark-up from 15% in wholesale prices, plus you get free one hotel and air if 6 people sign up. Mom and dad, sister and cousin, your girlfriend and her husband wanted to go and women in the church want to go. And when other women in the church found out from the Father that Mrs J was going on, so he decided to leave. (Your husband said if he wanted to see China he would go to Chinatown!) So, you now have 8 people, 9 to calculate its own. You get a free travel pass and you can decide to lower the price of the package at the last minute because you do not need an additional 15% mark-up, or you can save it for emergencies during the trip or you can use it to market next trip. It's up to you!

Travel Trivia Coordinator. If you can see problems already with the group on a trip, then you really understand Group Travel. Think about how you would handle the above situations before problems occur.