Monday, April 12, 2010

Pyramid of Khafre World Travel

Pyramid of Khafre World Travel

The Pyramid of Khafre is the second largest of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids of Giza and the tomb of the fourth-dynasty pharaoh Khafre (Chephren).The pyramid was likely opened and robbed during the First Intermediate Period. During the 18th dynasty the overseer of temple construction robbed casing stone from it to build a temple in Heliopolis on Rameses II’s orders. Arab historian Ibn Abd as-Salaam recorded that the pyramid was opened in 1372. It was first explored in modern time by Giovanni Belzoni on March 2, 1818 and the first complete exploration was conducted by John Perring in 1837.

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1 comment:

  1. The pyramids of Egypt are rightly ranked as antiques of the world. I am of the opinion that the civilization at that time was far more advance then that of present one. Because the construction of such a massively typical structure with ordinary tools in impossible. Flights to Cape Town
